Applied JavaScript

June 15, 2019

Just completed my Lambda School sprint challenge, which brings closure to the Applied Javascript module!

I learned a lot over the past two weeks. The curriculum covered:

  • The DOM and different DOM selectors
  • Using different properties and methods to to manipulate selected elements
  • How to create new elements, manipulate them and add them to the DOM
  • Browser events, and adding event listeners and event handlers
  • Recognizing event propagation and when/how to prevent it
  • Components and identifying different parts of a component
  • Creating custom data attributes with HTML and using them in CSS and JS
  • How to utilize multiple classes to build components
**Some notes:**

The biggest difference between .forEach and .map is that .map returns a newly created array while .forEach doesn't return anything (both iterate through array values)

Closure is when a function is able to remember and access its lexical scope, even when executing outside of its lexical scope.

this keyword rules:

  • Object/Global: When in global scope, this is the window object
  • Implicit: When called in a method, this is the object to the immediate left of the . (dot)
  • Explicit: When a function is called with .call, .apply or .bind, this is the object that's passed in as the first argument
  • New: When called in a constructor function, this is the newly created object

We use super() in a class to call the parent's constructor function while abstracting away manually linking the parent's prototype to the child's prototype

The DOM, or Document Object Model, is the browser's representation of our HTML document. The structure is a tree of nodes we can interact with to manipulate the page.

An event is an action that takes place in the DOM. It could be triggered by user interactions (eg. clicks, scrolls) or generated by APIs.

An event listener is attached to a DOM element and listens for a specific event to occur, and then passes that event into the provided callback function.

A component is a reusable piece of code that can be used to build elements that share functionality and styling.

Next up is Build Week I'm looking forward to working on a project with other students!

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